Difference between Bone Pain and Muscle Pain

The main difference between bone pain and muscle pain lies between the severity, location, and sharpness of the pain. So in simple words, bone pain is usually much sharper unlike muscle pain which is relatively less painful.

To know more about the differences keep on reading.

What is Bone Pain?

A pain originating from one or more bones in the body is referred to as bone pain. Such a condition is typically the most painful for a human and tends to worsen more and more based upon the root factor.

There are many reasons as to why bone pain occurs in an individual. From hereditary causes including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis to external factors such as bone infection or injuries, based upon the condition the pain can range from mild to extreme.

However if the cause is something much more severe, such as bone cancer, then the individual will definitely suffer through immense amounts of bone pain which may feel like a sharp burning sensation emerging from deep inside the body. Other similar conditions leading to similar extreme outbursts of pain include sickle cell disease, bone marrow degenerative disorder, etc.

What is Muscle Pain?

Now coming on to muscle pain, this condition is a little less excruciating than the former. As the name suggests, muscle pain occurs when the pain receptors in one or several body muscles fire up at the same time. This is usually triggered by the brain or sometimes the cortex area and is also commonly referred to as muscle sprain, spasms or myalgias.

However when it comes to finding the reason behind the sudden muscle spasm or sprain, the cause may not always be clear. Such pains are typically common in athletes, although they also occur in general, as well. For instance muscle pain is very common in cases including a blunt trauma, tackle with an external force and even when an individual falls down or stands up quickly.

The latter is mostly seen in those that have fibromyalgia, a hereditary condition where the patient suffers from sudden outbursts of excruciating muscle pain throughout the body. This is a severe health issue and when left untreated for long can also lead to other mental and emotional disorders.

What is the difference between Bone Pain and Muscle Pain?

The difference between bone pain and muscle pain include:

Easy to locate

Upon comparing both bone and muscle pain, it is clear that the former is much more easy to locate than the latter. Bone pain usually occurs at a single spot unlike muscle pain which has a more generalised spread. Moreover, the sharp sting makes it effortless to differentiate if an individual is suffering from bone pain, rather than detecting muscle sprains or spasms.


Another crucial difference between bone pain and muscle pain is its severity. All bone pains tend to be extremely painful with much more severe secondary symptoms contrary to muscle pain that normally subsides within a day or two. However this doesn’t apply to all muscle pains, as those with chronic causes can easily last until proper treatment is done.

We have also covered other essential factors in the table mentioned below.

DefinitionThe pain which arises from one or more bones in an individual’s bodyThe pain occurs in a generalised area
CausesCauses can range from: Genetic, External injuries, Pregnancy, Bone infection, Bone Cancer, Osteoporosis, etcCauses include: Autoimmune diseases, Over-exposure to certain medications, Blunt trauma, Neuromuscular disorders, Hormonal imbalance, Infections, etc
SymptomsSecondary symptoms are relatively severeMild to serious symptoms can be detected
Pain TypeSevere, Stinging sensation that seems localisedBurning sensation and overall muscle soreness that can be more spread out
LongevityBone pain lasts much longerMuscle pain usually goes away within a day or two unless it is due to a chronic factor
Diagnosis and TreatmentDiagnosis and treatment of bone pain requires professional careDiagnosis and treatment of muscle pain solely depends upon its cause

Final Thoughts

No matter the pain type, both bone and muscle pain can be quite arduous and heavily tasking on an individual’s health. Thus, if the pain seems to be getting worse or doesn’t subside even after 48 hours, then consulting with a professional as soon as possible is the best option.

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