Ribeye Vs Delmonico Steak

Ribeye Vs Delmonico Steak!!! A discussion that has been going on for years now, these two steak types are undoubtedly one of the tastiest parts of the beef. However, while one is relatively easy to prepare, the other one has a rather notorious image of being hard to prepare.

So, what is Ribeye Steak?

A beef steak retrieved from the sixth to twelfth rib of a cow, the ribeye steak is hands down the juiciest and the most tender of all meats. Extending from their neck to hind, this meat piece doesn’t bear bones, however that doesn’t make them any less tasty.

These pieces are very smooth textured and when prepared properly, melt into the mouth, smooth like butter. Ribeye steaks mostly garnered its popularity after a number of celebrities were found to be having them on major movies and since then many have tried the same. This eventually led to intense demand in the purchase and preparation of these meat pieces, automatically leading to its hike in price.

However, based upon where you might be staying, the term may be used interchangeably. For instance, in certain parts of the U.S., ‘cowboy ribeye/cowboy cut’ is used to denote ribeye steaks with bone-in. Similarly in Australia, ribeye steaks with no bones is known as ‘Scotch fillet’.

What is a Delmonico Steak?

Now coming on to the delmonico steak, there is no consensus specifying the usage of the term. And hence it could be used to define the best of the best beef pieces out there. The list usually includes chuck eye, sirloin, and prime rib steak which could be with or without bones. So, to summarise it, delmonico steak could be any premium part of the beef that has been perfectly cooked and tastes amazing.

Initially, this term came into light after a leading New York restaurant that went by the name ‘Delmonico’s Restaurant’ started gaining lots of customers for its steaks. According to those who have visited, the restaurant specialises in offering prime cuts of beef and thus the trend to refer to any beef piece that tasted absolutely mesmerising as a ‘Delmonico steak’ started.

But when it comes to texture, there are certain differences that better point out the ribeye vs delmonico steaks. Unlike ribeye, the delmonico steaks are thick textured and comparatively harder to prepare. Given its lean and tough structure, these meat pieces are needed to be thoroughly prepared at a certain temperature. Anything less or more could easily destroy the after-taste and therefore only a handful of restaurants serve delmonico steaks.

Ribeye Vs Delmonico Steak: Which one is Better?

Here are a few differentiating factors that make these two heavenly tasting dishes a little unlikely to each other.

Meat Cut

The first dissimilarity between ribeye and delmonico steaks is their meat cut types. Like discussed previously, ribeyes are retrieved from the rib section of the cow and are kept without bones.

On the contrary, delmonicos can be any chewy, tough, lean textured meat of the cow. Ranging from the shoulder to the loin area, meat pieces should be carefully selected to bring out the amazing taste as needed for delmonico beef steaks.


Ribeye steaks don’t contain bones. This is because as their name suggests, the meat is derived from the central part of the ribs, keeping the rib bones aside. When bones are included, the meat becomes ideal for another steak type, known as rib steaks.

Now, while ribeye steaks arrive without bones, the delmonico meat doesn’t need any such specifications to bear its heavenly taste. They may or may not have bones and are also quite thick and lean, which automatically separates them from the more marble-textured ribeye pieces.


Apart from being greatly smooth, ribeye steaks have even tenderness throughout. Their normal size ranges between 1-1.5 inches, whereas in case of delmonico steaks, they have a rather wider size, 2 inches or more and uneven tenderness that gives it a rather tough appearance.


The whole reason behind the ribeye vs delmonico steak debate is because most individuals can’t decide which one is tastier. So, given their natural higher fat content, a properly prepared ribeye steak will have a buttery, juicy after-taste to it.

On the other hand, delmonico steaks offer a dynamic flavour. They are mostly chewy, super rich in flavour, and the ultimate best if you are an avid beef lover.

Here is a tabular form of the differences that you can go through.

Meat CutObtained from the rib primal between the sixth to twelfth rib of the cowMay be retrieved from various parts of the cow
CostRelatively expensiveCheaper than ribeyes
AvailabilityEasily availableComparatively harder to find the perfect delmonico piece
SizeUsually between 1-1.5 inchesTypically measure 2-2.5 inches
AppearanceSmooth texturedRough textured
Bone ContentDoes not contain any bonesMay or may not have bones
Fat contentHas more fatLess fat content
Cooking difficultyLow to MediumHigh
Alternative NamesScotch fillet, Sarket Steak, Beauty SteakNew York Strip Steak, Kansas City Strip Steak

At the end, ribeye vs delmonico steak has no particular winner. It all depends upon your individual taste preferences and budget.
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